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Search results for "Platanus hispanica"

Ornamental trees

Platanus hispanica ‘Alphen’s Globe’ - 8-10
Platanus hispanica 'Alphen's Globe'
C 20
180 standard
Platanus hispanica ‘Alphen’s Globe’ - 8-10
Platanus hispanica 'Alphen's Globe'
C 20
200 standard
Platanus hispanica ‘Alphen’s Globe’ - 8-10
Platanus hispanica 'Alphen's Globe'
C 35
225 standard
Platanus hispanica ‘Alphen’s Globe’ - 10-12
Platanus hispanica 'Alphen's Globe'
C 35
225 standard
Platanus hispanica ‘Alphen’s Globe’ - 10-12
Platanus hispanica 'Alphen's Globe'
C 50
225 standard
Platanus hispanica ‘Alphen’s Globe’ - 12-14
Platanus hispanica 'Alphen's Globe'
C 50
225 standard
Platanus hispanica ‘Alphen’s Globe’ - 14-16
Platanus hispanica 'Alphen's Globe'
C 50
225 standard
View everything from Ornamental trees

Shaped trees & Multistems

Platanus hispanica - 12-14 - 180 standard
Platanus hispanica
12-14 - 180 standard
C 50
Espalier 180x150 cm
Platanus hispanica - 14-16 - 180 standard
Platanus hispanica
14-16 - 180 standard
C 50
Espalier 180x150 cm
Platanus hispanica - 12-14 - 225 standard
Platanus hispanica
12-14 - 225 standard
C 230
Roof 180x180 cm / 3 stems
Platanus hispanica - 12-14 - 225 standard
Platanus hispanica
12-14 - 225 standard
C 50
Roof 120x120 cm
Platanus hispanica - 12-14 - 240 standard
Platanus hispanica
12-14 - 240 standard
C 50
Roof 120x120 cm
Platanus hispanica - 12-14 - 240 standard
Platanus hispanica
12-14 - 240 standard
C 50
Roof with 6 'arms'
Platanus hispanica - 14-16 - 225 standard
Platanus hispanica
14-16 - 225 standard
C 50
Roof 120x120 cm
Platanus hispanica - 14-16 - 240 standard
Platanus hispanica
14-16 - 240 standard
C 50
Roof 120x120 cm
Platanus hispanica - 14-16 - 240 standard
Platanus hispanica
14-16 - 240 standard
C 50/70
Roof with 6 'arms'
Platanus hispanica - 16-18 - 225 standard
Platanus hispanica
16-18 - 225 standard
C 50
Roof 120x120 cm
Platanus hispanica - 16-18 - 240 standard
Platanus hispanica
16-18 - 240 standard
C 50
Roof 120x120 cm
Platanus hispanica - 16-18 - 240 standard
Platanus hispanica
16-18 - 240 standard
C 70
Roof with 6 'arms'
Platanus hispanica - 18-20 - 240 standard
Platanus hispanica
18-20 - 240 standard
C 70
Roof with 6 'arms'
View everything from Shaped trees & Multistems

Spring Fair 2025

Search results for "Platanus hispanica"

Ornamental Trees

Platanus hispanica - 8-10
Platanus hispanica - 8-10
Platanus hispanica
Fair nr. 3527
Platanus hispanica ‘Alphen’s Globe’ - 8-10 180 standard C20
Platanus hispanica ‘Alphen’s Globe’ - 8-10 180 standard C20
Platanus hispanica 'Alphen's Globe'
Fair nr. 3525
8-10 180 standard C20
Platanus hispanica ‘Alphen’s Globe’ - 12-14 225 standard C50
Platanus hispanica ‘Alphen’s Globe’ - 12-14 225 standard C50
Platanus hispanica 'Alphen's Globe'
Fair nr. 3526
12-14 225 standard C50
View everything from Ornamental Trees

Shaped Trees & Multistems

Platanus hispanica - 12-14 225 standard C50 Roof
Platanus hispanica - 12-14 225 standard C50 Roof
Platanus hispanica
Fair nr. 3787
12-14 225 standard C50 Roof
Platanus hispanica - 12-14 240 standard Roof
Platanus hispanica - 12-14 240 standard Roof
Platanus hispanica
Fair nr. 3788
12-14 240 standard Roof
Platanus hispanica - 14-16 180 standard C50 Espalier
Platanus hispanica - 14-16 180 standard C50 Espalier
Platanus hispanica
Fair nr. 3720
14-16 180 standard C50 Espalier
Platanus hispanica - 14-16 225 standard C50 Roof
Platanus hispanica - 14-16 225 standard C50 Roof
Platanus hispanica
Fair nr. 3789
14-16 225 standard C50 Roof
Platanus hispanica - 14-16 240 standard Roof
Platanus hispanica - 14-16 240 standard Roof
Platanus hispanica
Fair nr. 3790
14-16 240 standard Roof
Platanus hispanica - 14-16 240 standard C50 Roof
Platanus hispanica - 14-16 240 standard C50 Roof
Platanus hispanica
Fair nr. 3791
14-16 240 standard C50 Roof
Platanus hispanica - 14-16 240 standard C70 Roof
Platanus hispanica - 14-16 240 standard C70 Roof
Platanus hispanica
Fair nr. 3792
14-16 240 standard C70 Roof
Platanus hispanica - 16-18 240 standard C70 Roof
Platanus hispanica - 16-18 240 standard C70 Roof
Platanus hispanica
Fair nr. 3793
16-18 240 standard C70 Roof
Platanus hispanica - 18-20 225 standard WB. Roof
Platanus hispanica - 18-20 225 standard WB. Roof
Platanus hispanica
Fair nr. 3794
18-20 225 standard WB. Roof
Platanus hispanica - 20-25 275 standard WB. Roof
Platanus hispanica - 20-25 275 standard WB. Roof
Platanus hispanica
Fair nr. 3795
20-25 275 standard WB. Roof
View everything from Shaped Trees & Multistems
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